John Carpenter declined to sue Hideo Kojima and his 'Metal Gear Solid' video game series for plagiarising 'Escape From New ...
Tenacious D may have had some of the most lighthearted rock and roll ever conceived, but Jack Black remembered certain times ...
The producer might try to get the best out of their artists, but anyone working with John Lennon would feel intimidated when ...
The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has seen enough musical movements for 12 lifetimes, but he knew he wouldn't be in ...
The career-defining role Charlize Theron tried to quit was Aileen Wuornos in 'Monster.' In fact, she even tried to talk ...
The movie that swore Woody Harrelson off a life of violence was 'Doc Hollywood,' because he got in a fight with a guy on a ...
Fashion is the key to the soul, and in music it's even more important. Here we count down five of the most famous items of ...
Tom Petty was already the scribe behind the greatest heartland rock songs, but he knew there were more people behind every ...
Josh Homme may have loved all kinds of rock and roll, but he felt the impact when an album would come and knock him on his ass.
While Elton John has had an air of professionalism in everything he does, that didn't mean he couldn't get challenged from time to time.
Acting icon Angelina Jolie took inspiration from an unlikely source when she felt utterly compelled to make this big, balls-to-the-wall thriller.
Given he's the bassist in his own rock band, Keanu Reeves gets asked just as much about his essential listening as he does questions about cinema.