Linneman… inspires readers to move beyond intellectual acknowledgment of the need to pray and into a vibrant, God-dependent practice of prayer. He begins by establishing our identity as children of ...
“adapted from Sunday School lessons I wrote several years ago for women and teen girls. The goal was to form a ‘theology of woman’ by looking chronologically at all of the major portions of Scripture ...
Here are eight proofs that the Bible is one story.
“The chair of a top federal religious freedom advisory panel warned this week that some ‘policy shifts’ under the Trump administration, such as the suspension of refugee resettlement, may negatively ...
Based on Pew data: “Whereas Protestantism, including both evangelical and mainline varieties, loses 1.8 members compared to every new addition, Roman Catholicism loses 8.4. That’s an astounding rate ...
“Nearly half (45 percent) of parents surveyed observe a negative impact of the pandemic on their school-age children. Out of that figure, roughly 22 percent say social difficulty is ongoing.
“Thus follows a story about why and how we removed seven of our 65 members and identified them as missionaries instead.” - 9 Marks ...
“In speech after speech (as well in essays and revealing interviews), Putin and his senior officials have conveyed an ideological view of history that places Kyiv as the birthplace and spiritual ...
“When we stand with those who have lost jobs—validating their pain, meeting practical needs, and consistently pointing to their unshakable identity in Christ—we embody the gospel in desperately needed ...
Jesus is saying that biblically unwarranted anger, contempt, and hatred in your heart is the same as “murder.” It is murder.
The Unification Church, which was started in South Korea, has established a presence in Japan since the 1960s. The name ‘Moonies’ was derived from the name of its founder, Sun Myung Moon.” - BBC ...
“In an alternative form of the same twisted logic that celebrates the exploitation of women by calling it empowerment, the Tates are defended for countering woke, anti-male culture by being awful men.