SADC announced that its troops, which include forces from South Africa, Malawi, and Tanzania will be pulled out of the ...
The court found that government failed to consult industry stakeholders on the deadline and that it was irrational.
Anti-kidnapping unit detective Captain Wesley Lombard ended his testimony in the trial on Thursday by sharing details of the ...
Tabling his Invested in Hope budget on Thursday, Geordin Hill-Lewis said he hoped ratepayers would be understanding of the ...
On Thursday, the committee visited the crime-riddled area to investigate the state of policing and rampant crime.
The 41-year-old was arrested in Yeoville in February after videos went viral showing young men being physically and sexually ...
Mayor Doctor Xhakaza revealed during his State of the City Address on Thursday that the eight reservoirs currently under ...
JOHANNESBURG - The Department of International Relations and Cooperation ( DIRCO) is once again urging people to vet foreign ...
The port and rail operator offered a multi-year wage deal including a cumulative 17.5% wage increase across the board over ...
Advocacy group, Cancer Alliance, represented by Section27 , hauled the department to court for allegedly violating patients’ ...
The matter emanates from a previous judgment of the Equality Court that dismissed the lobby group's application, finding that ...
Mapisa-Nqakula is accused of soliciting and receiving bribes amounting to R4.5 million from a defence contractor during her ...