Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur are reportedly reuniting for a romantic film, nearly a decade after Aashiqui 2. Directed by Mohit Suri, the duo’s iconic chemistry has fans eagerly awaiting their ...
Aditya Roy Kapur and Ankit Tiwari gave a memorable performance at Meghna Singh's wedding by singing 'Sunn Raha Hai Na Tu'.
Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur are one of the most popular onscreen couples in Bollywood. Their films Aashiqui 2 and Ok Jaanu showcased their magical chemistry. It has now been learned that ...
Aashiqui 2 stars Shraddha Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapur are likely teaming up for a new Mohit Suri romantic film. Awaiting official confirmation.