Novant cited its experience in operating similar acute-care community hospitals in ... gap in the Triad and put it on the edge of the Triangle, as would a Durham County hospital.
That is why President Trump is the perfect actor for this political moment. Because what Trump has in spades is exactly the sort of iron will and unquenchable desire for victory that previous GOP ...
As Allegheny County stares down the barrel of a full-scale property reassessment, policymakers from the state to the ...
F ew other shows did drama, romance, and heart-pounding twists as well as The Vampire Diaries, and the CW drama kept it riveting for years. With over 20 episodes in most of its ei ...
Federal leaders looked to Ralph Baric to end the pandemic. Their critics blamed it on him. Now, the White House wants to slash his funding.
Will Cullen Hart: co-founder of the legendary Elephant 6 Recording Co., musician of Olivia Tremor Control and Circulatory ...
The St. Augustine area was claimed by the Spanish crown in the early 16th century after explorer Juan Ponce de Leon's arrival ...