Avani Rai follows her father Raghu Rai, a famous Indian photographer, on one of his trips to Kashmir to get an insight into his life and know him better.
Avani Rai follows her father Raghu Rai, a famous Indian photographer, on one of his trips to Kashmir to get an insight into his life and know him better.
50.8 x 76.5 cm. (20 x 30.1 in.) ...
While Panjiar used a Widelux camera borrowed from Raghu Rai during the 2001 Kumbh, for the subsequent melas he worked with a Hasselblad XPan. With loose-leaf pages tied with a thread along the spine, ...
FACE OF THE TRAGEDY: Raghu Rai’s iconic photograph for India Today of a child gas leak victim being buried in Bhopal, Dec. 5, 1984 The night of December 2, 1984, remains etched in public memory as one ...