The first woman to be the company’s head talks about hurdling the barriers of being in a male-dominated industry and how Mondelez International is walking its talk in advocating women empowerment.  ...
HER STORY. Mondelēz International Managing Director Aleli Arcilla (left) shares her inspiring story as a woman leader to BM reporter and “Freshly Brewed” host Justine Xyrah Garcia.
MEDINA, Ohio -- City Council has approved a maximum price agreement with the Ruhlin Company that will move forward the second phase of renovations for the Medina Municipal Court project. City ...
MEDINA, Ohio -- Fast-charging stations for electric vehicles are expected to be up and operational in Medina this week. “You might remember that a couple of years ago the Northeast Ohio Areawide ...
MEDINA COUNTY, Ohio (WJW) – New this school year, several Medina County school districts have added security cameras that connect directly to dispatchers at the county sheriff’s office.
Magaly Medina responde a graves acusaciones. Magaly Medina fue acusada de dejar plantada a la familia de la fallecida Harumi Carbajal, quien murió en la tragedia del Real Plaza Trujillo.
MEDINA, Ohio — According to the Medina Metropolitan Housing Authority, homeless numbers have increased since 2020. "We average about 60 calls a month of folks," said Housing Authority executive ...
Yolanda Medina no se quedó callada tras recibir una carta notarial enviada por Marisol y le respondió con un contundente mensaje. Lejos de mostrarse preocupada, la cantante tomó el asunto con ...
“Atenta Pamela Franco porque tienes una hija, ojalá nunca tengan que decirle lo mismo a tu hija”, mencionó la periodista sobre la humillación de Christian Cueva a la hija de Pamela López ...
The University of Akron is selling its Medina County University Center to the county and will no longer offer classes there. The news was disclosed this week in The Digest, the university’s emailed ...
La ex "Yingo" publicó una emotiva fotografía en su regreso digital. El pasado 16 de diciembre de 2024, Jocelyn Medina dio a conocer el sensible fallecimiento de su pareja, Michael Grez, sin ...
El aristócrata Luis Medina, acusado, junto a Alberto Luceño, de un delito de estafa al Ayuntamiento de Madrid, por las altísimas comisiones obtenidas en lo peor de la pandemia por intermediar ...