O ne thing that all Bleachfans can agree on is that The Bount Invasion Arc (colloquially known as "The Bount Arc") is the ...
Some anime adaptations resort to filler episodes to keep up with source material, risking fan dissatisfaction. Series like Naruto, Bleach, Boruto, and One Piece have faced backlash for excessive ...
And in terms of fidelity, something that often happens with many anime is that the dreaded filler lengthens the adaptation too much. Fortunately, in ‘Kimetsu no Yaiba’ this is not the case ...
Season 5 stands out for introducing Cell without filler, focusing on his development and clever tactics as a villain. Dragon Ball Z is one of the most recognizable anime of all time, with the show ...
The first filler episodes of Bleach are a bit early on, but thankfully, at this point in the adaptation, there was more manga content than original work from the studio. Only episodes 33 and 50 ...
The Calamity Episodes 407- The chronological placement of some of the later anime filler arcs, specifically in the middle of the larger Arrancar storyline, is something of an interlude prior to ...
We review a filler episode of Dragon Ball Z with a glaring continuity error that shows how unnecessary these plots are.