The Ark of the Covenant was 'located' using 'remote viewing' by the CIA, as unclassified 20 years ago. Donald Trump had a ...
Declassified CIA documents claim that the mystical Ark of the Covenant was located by a psychic decades ago in the Middle ...
Remote Viewer No. 032 described a container made of wood, gold, and silver, adorned with images of six-winged angels, and ...
Rosslyn Chapel in Edinburgh has widely been thought to be the final resting place of the ark, thanks to a conspiracy peddled ...
The war in Gaza brought more students into the Hillel fold, but has sown divisions among Jewish students over the group’s ...
(photo credit: FLASH90) In this Torah portion, God commands the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the Tablets of the Covenant that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.
While the physical evidence of the famed Ark is yet to be discovered, the documents that were unveiled in 2000 claimed that ...
Some historians believe the Ark of the Covenant was originally kept ... Even he was only allowed near it on Judaism's holiest holiday, Yom Kippur. And then, it vanished. But this CIA document ...
The CIA conducted an experiment in the 1980s to try and find the location of the Ark of the Covenant, the chest said to ...
In Parashat Terumah, the first item the Jewish people are commanded to build for the Mishkan is the Ark of the Covenant, the sacred vessel designed to house the Tablets of the Ten Commandments.
More than accomplishment, Judaism values effort.