Um cachorro vira-lata caramelo viralizou nas redes sociais ao ser filmado "curtindo" um show de forró na cidade de Cajueiro da Praia, litoral do Piauí, na última sexta (13). Durante ...
The exact whereabouts of the deposed dictator's wife – London-born Asma al-Assad – is currently unknown, but Bashar al-Assad did confirm that he had fled to Russia, and his family are believed to be ...
The exact whereabouts of the deposed dictator's wife – London-born Asma al-Assad – is currently unknown, but Bashar al-Assad did confirm that he had fled to Russia, and his family are believed ...
Who are Assad's wife and children? Assad is married to a dual British-Syrian national, Asma, who was born and raised in west London to Syrian parents. She attended school and university in London ...
Assad is married to a dual British-Syrian national, Asma, who was born and raised in west London to Syrian parents. She attended school and university in London before becoming an investment banker.
A view of a picture of Asma, wife of Syria's Bashar al-Assad at one of the rooms in Presidential Palace known as Qasr al-Shaab "People's Palace", after rebels seized the capital and ousted Syria's ...
Durante os quase 25 anos de presidência de Bashar al-Assad na Síria, uma constante em sua vida foi a presença de sua esposa, Asma. Asma, agora com 49 anos, foi inicialmente considerada o rosto ...
The couple are the parents of Asma al-Assad, who married the recently overthrown Syrian president in 2000 when he was studying in the capital. A neighbour told The Sun: “The house has been empty ...
O presidente sírio deposto Bashar al-Assad e sua esposa Asma al Assad. - Foto: Nicolas Asfouri / POOL / AFP Asma al Assad, que já foi o rosto glamouroso e moderno da Síria, mas acabou sendo ...
Rather, the Assads – alongside Asma’s family, the Akhras – possess a large network of power and influence that stretches far beyond Syria’s borders. Their reign in Syria began in 1971 when ...