Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Saturday inaugurated the four-day International Kite Festival, which has drawn 143 ...
CM Bhupendra Patel inaugurated the International Kite Festival in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad. People from all over the world participated showcasing their kites on various themes.
International Kite Festival in Gujarat is one of the biggest kite festivals in the world, attracting thousands of kite ...
Kite flying is celebrated globally with vibrant festivals showcasing the artistry and cultural significance of kite making.
People in Gujarat celebrate Uttarayan, a Hindu festival in mid-January that celebrates the end of winter by flying kites held by glass-coated or plastic strings. "The kite may seem like a small ...
People in Gujarat celebrate Uttarayan, a Hindu festival in mid-January that celebrates the end of winter by flying kites held by glass-coated or plastic strings. "The kite may seem like a small ...
Under a plea deal, Mohammed Farik bin Amin and Mohammed Nazir bin Lep gave evidence against the accused mastermind of the Bali bombings, Hambali. They have now been released from the Guantanamo ...
AP Five Australians of the ‘Bali Nine’ drug gang have returned home, after spending roughly 20 years in Indonesian prisons. This comes after a deal was reached between the two governments, Australian ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - After nearly two decades of imprisonment in Indonesia, five members of the infamous Bali Nine—an Australian drug syndicate—are repatriated to their home country, Australia, on ...
Martin Stephens, Michael Czugaj, Scott Rush, Mathew Norman, and Si Yi Chen (left to right) in Bali International Airport during the handover process for their return to Australia. Source ...
People wear the dragon heads they made to celebrate the Spring Festival on Feb 3 in Recife, Brazil. WANG TIANCONG/XINHUA Museums across China have been posting animated videos on Weibo featuring ...