Pennsylvania lawmakers beginning their new legislative session this month are preparing to debate what changes, if any, ...
The North Carolina Supreme Court has dismissed a request by the trailing candidate in an close race for a seat on the court to rule now on whether well over 60,000 ballots should be removed from the t ...
Arizona's early ballot laws make it impossible for election administrators to get results fast, wrecking trust in the system ...
The voters had been notified they needed to update their voter registration status, according to the recorder's office.
Dawson-McClure’s ballot is being challenged because of a missing hyphen and misspelling — a missing ‘C’ — in the voter rolls. She says she’s never had any previous issues casting a ballot.
The bill would also allow election officials to question a person's citizenship status. And would require a voter registration to be canceled if the voter is not a citizen. <CLIP 2210 16:42:03 ...