A nine-year-old Risca boy has won a competition to design a huge recycling poster for the side of Biffa's trucks.
Since May 2024, primary schools across the county have been rescuing batteries from their bins at home as part of the ‘Baa-ttery Campaign’, so named because 3.2 million batteries are thrown away in ...
United Kingdom-based waste and recycling firm works with barcoding company to create systems to track recycling success at ...
Biffa has found that 76% of people who eat lunch in their workplace are still unaware of the Simpler Recycling scheme.
A poll of 1,000 office workers has revealed that each person who throws away food waste at lunch in their workplace, could ...
Every household in Wirral will be given a new bin and free bin bags in a year as authorities prepare to bring in weekly food ...
PLANS to bring in food waste collections for every household in Merseyside  from April next year is expected to cost around £4.5m.