Explore strategies for controlling COPD and improving health, with a focus on management and lifestyle changes.
You must go to a doctor to know for sure whether you have COPD. That’s because there are things to consider for a diagnosis. Some people have asthma and COPD at the same time. If you have ...
Keep in regular contact with your doctor following a diagnosis of COPD. Reach out if you experience side effects of medications, worsening symptoms, or new symptoms. COPD is a serious and chronic ...
Key elements of the diagnosis guideline include the use of clinical prediction rules to establish pretest probability of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in a patient before further ...
CT images of the lungs can aid in COPD diagnosis. The procedure typically requires two image acquisitions, one at full inhalation, called inspiratory, and one at normal exhalation, called expiratory.
That’s a lot for anyone to juggle, let alone someone managing COPD. Discussing your diagnosis is a personal decision, but experts point out that it can be helpful to tell your human-resources ...
The growing prevalence of COPD among women can be attributed to a combination of biological, environmental, and societal ...
Oxygen is essential to life. The respiratory system works tirelessly to provide fresh oxygen to the body and ensure that all ...
Globally, COPD is also a leading cause of death. Data from the World Health Organization in 2021 ranked it as the fourth ...
“Our study shows that COPD diagnosis and staging is feasible with a single CT acquisition and relevant clinical data,” said researcher Kyle Hasenstab, an assistant professor of statistics and ...