Discover how a natural compound found in these common herbs could enhance cognitive function and ease inflammation.
Senses come alive. Detail of a cinchona tree (cinchona officinalis). The cinchona tree which is depicted in Peru's ... [+] national emblem has been used medically in South America for centuries ...
Gin and tonic is one of the legendary cocktail classics with a fascinating history, but there seem to be many facts about it ...
Tonic water didn’t stay in the medicine box for long. The first commercial tonic water was produced and patented in 1858 by ...
Thanks to a loophole in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, some of the “drugs” you can buy at pharmacies are ...
The list is not confined to natives of the country, but includes also such introduced plants as are largely cultivated and of great economic importance, as cinchona, tea, cacao, tobacco ...