The 2026 World Cup is coming to North America with an expanded field, as the United States, Canada, and Mexico will host and participate in the 23rd edition of the most celebrated tournament in the ...
The Health Ministry is seeking a budget increase for the upcoming fiscal year to meet the growing demands on Fiji’s ...
Ammon News - Thursday, the price of gold in local market increased by 70 piasters in a new count, according to the General Syndicate of Owners of Trade and Jewelry Shops. The selling price for ...
Ammon News - The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs announced that Eid al-Fitr prayers will be held at 7:00 a.m. in public prayer halls, in addition to mosques where Friday prayers are held. In a ...
Fiji Water Flying Fijians coach Mick Byrne has confirmed that 80 players are currently under his watch for the upcoming July ...
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Bereina police station commander Senior Constable Willie Hoiba is leading the operation. Lawlessness is on the rise with recent murder and rape cases in the area.