The rise of ride-hailing services is what the Federal Transit Administration blames for the decade-long decline in public ...
Thomas Prendergast will oversee the $16 billion project to build a new rail tunnel between North Jersey and Manhattan for rail passengers.
By July, the authority will determine how to weigh these two competing priorities. Currently, WTA staff classify roughly 40% of existing routes as focused on high ridership. The other 60% are routes ...
DART and its member cities should keep looking for viable solutions that improve mobility and transportation for all.
The board voted on Wednesday to install three members from an outside consulting group to head up the service provider on an ...
Advocates say DART director Paul Wageman's work with the rideshare giant is a conflict of interest. Both DART and Wageman say he's not advocating for the company.
CTA President Dorval Carter's retirement comes as the agency has reeled in substantial federal funding and after numerous ...