A "monster" wasp nest in South Auckland has been destroyed with exterminators taking two days to get rid of over 200,000 ...
"The detail and the different sorts of wood that they're ... The trust said that in one of its nature reserves they came across seven wasp nests last year. This year they only found one.
But you may be more familiar with the black and yellow social species. Colonies of social wasps are considered annoying pests - they often nest in manmade structures and deal out painful stings if you ...
A “monster” wasp nest in South Auckland has been destroyed, with exterminators taking two days to get rid of over 200,000 wasps. The multi-generational nest was in a conifer tree on a farm in Karaka ...
There are more than 250 bee species in the UK, including many different solitary bees which live alone, to bumblebees that live in nests, and honeybees that live in hives managed by beekeepers. Bees, ...