However, many species are so close to becoming extinct. This is all due to human activities, such as climate change and habitat destruction. Join us as we discover the top 10 most endangered species ...
There is a lack of historical and present-day information about population size, habitats, ecology, and distribution has led to the species being placed on the International Union for Conservation of ...
A new species of caddisfly ... The aquatic insect is small, with its wings less than 5 mm long. Its name, "lumbardhi," honors the local Albanian name for the river, meaning "the white river." ...
This is especially true for ocean and coastal natural resource management and endangered species conservation ... global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius, an important threshold for the ...
Select FWS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 90-Day Findings for Eight Species; Morrison bumble bee (Bombus morrisoni) FWS-R2-ES-2024-0099 Select FWS Endangered and Threatened Wildlife ...
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list the big red sage (Salvia pentstemonoides), a plant species from central Texas, as an endangered species under the Endangered Species ...
EIA Pangolin Campaign Leader James Toone said that while he was heartened to learn of the discover of a distinct new species, he was concerned that the pressures of illegal trade on all pangolins ...
Alex Dunkel (Maky), CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Primate is a group of mammals that includes monkeys, humans, tarsiers ...
Animals around the world are under increasing pressure from a variety of threats. Find out which species are most endangered and how scientists are working to protect them from going extinct.
5 Critically Endangered Animals!!! EP. 63 : 5 Weird Animal Facts: AnimalBytesTV Jason Miller from 5 Weird Animal Facts explains the top 5 critically endangered animals in the world. Check out some ...