The Crucible Curse refers to the fact that no first-time winner of the World Snooker Championship has retained the title ...
The Magician has put in a host of impressive showings but a man who knows all about winning in Sheffield doesn't fancy him ...
Award-winning comic creator Edward Taylor is seeking support for his latest project, 100 Dialogues between St. Jerome, a Cat ...
Trump has built his season around competing for a second world championship, but hasn't reached a final so far in 2025 ...
Gary Wilson is having a crack at the European Open Pool Championship in Bosnia this week, hoping to enjoy some Nineball ...
When getting to the stage of my fire service career where I wanted to become a captain, I didn’t truly understand what I needed to do. I thought I did, but I didn’t. I was convinced, even though I had ...
Conation is the mental process marked by the inclination to do something. There’s a certain determination and willfulness to it, which can come premeditated, ...
While Silicon Valley dreams of sleek, uniform progress, India opts for a patchwork quilt stitched together with hope, desperation, and duct tape ...
War-torn and fractured by rival armed groups, Myanmar is now the crucible of a cyberfraud industry ... and the red lanterns hanging from the fancy building where the Chinese bosses lived.