Additional impressive images include Drew Buckley’s dramatic view of Scotland’s Monadhliath Mountains with a white hare in the foreground and a troupe of ravenous pigeons headed for a bag of chips, ...
Fed-up traders and residents at South Granville are backing councillors’ calls to eradicate feral pigeons across the ...
Cr Garrard said the pigeons were not only a “nuisance” in shopping centres but neighbourhoods from Greystanes to Granville, and often sought shelter under solar panels. “They’re a feral ...
The founder of Kent Wildflower Seeds, Charlotte Denne has shared how homeowners can prepare their gardens to support birds during during breeding season.
Urban birds, from robins to feral pigeons, are also bolder. In a 2008 study scientists found that urban birds are more tolerant of human disturbance than rural ones), allowing humans to approach them ...
Lai Kok Estate resident Elaine Choi, 49, said she “rarely” saw people feeding feral pigeons recently, and that those who did remained a “very small” fraction of the locals. “The ...