Plant behavior may seem rather boring compared with the frenetic excesses of animals. Yet the lives of our vegetable friends, ...
But fortunately, March is the time when many flowering indoor plants get ready for their big show, and with a little care, ...
To protect crops from rising droughts, scientists are looking to the genes of a small group of plants that can survive months ...
Raised garden beds offer numerous benefits and can expand the variety of plants you are able to grow in a landscape. Discover ...
The word comes from the Greek “phaino” (to show or appear) and “logos” (to study). Phenology works because certain events ...
If you’re hoping to screen your garden from neighbours' eyes but you’re out of planting space, you’ll want a list of the best ...
These late-blooming plants native to North America help feed butterflies — especially monarchs-— at a crucial point.
Scientists have shown that one portion of the petunia’s genetic code can direct the creation of molecules behind the plant’s ...
The cheeriest container for your spring blooms and plants actually isn't a container at all (or a pot, or a vase): A ball of ...
Many dogwood varieties don’t need sun and will tolerate partial- to full-shade conditions. One spectacular species to try is ...
You definitely want to prune these popular plants in the spring, including popular grasses, shrubs, and trees. However, avoid ...
(Admittedly, I say that pretty much every year about now.) But fortunately, March is the time when many flowering indoor plants get ready for their big show, and with a little care, you can ...