Imported from Paris, the Folies became the longest-running show in Vegas history. Following the destruction of its iconic home — the Hotel Tropicana — the revue's mastermind reflects on its legacy.
There was a time when the iconic showgirl ruled the iconic Las Vegas Strip before those productions came to an end. The Last ...
He’s headlined at the Las Vegas Hilton ... 1941 at the El Rancho Vegas, but at that time, magic was still a hard sell. In the ’60s, revues like Lido De Paris and Folies Bergère became all ...
Folies-Bergere production papers ... Folies Bergeres impresario Jerry Jackson, left, in Las Vegas with Maldonado Dancers Maria Pogee and Larry Masse, ca 1956-1960 How did you feel when you ...
when Lou Walters - then-entertainment director for the lavish Tropicana Las Vegas and father of broadcast journalist Barbara Walters - imported the sensational Folies Bergère act directly from Paris.