This initiative is expected to benefit one million additional residents and includes the installation of 2,600 prepaid meters in informal settlements to enhance water access Kampala, Uganda | THE ...
The loan agreement was signed by Kasaija and AFD regional director Jean-François Arnal at the finance ministry offices in Kampala. The finance minister decried the strain on Kampala's water ...
Uganda has secured a loan of €85m (sh340b) from France to improve water infrastructure and broader urban development in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. ;This was revealed by finance minister ...
Près de 3,5 tonnes de marchandises de contrefaçon, selon une première estimation, ont été saisies sur le marché aux puces de ...
The artistic practices of some have spanned the 20th century and were part of its major art movements : Irina Ionesco, François Arnal (founder of the atelier A with his friends Arman, Mark Brusse, ...
L’exposition présentera les œuvres d’Antonio Saura et d’artistes contemporains qui ont répondu à l’invitation de la Galerie E.G.P par des créations en résonnance avec le travail de Goya : Frantz ...
Our gallery too is able to be nomadic. Once again, we are seizing an opportunity offered by collectors who follow our developments.
KAMPALA - Government has signed an 85 million euros (about sh350b) project to boost water and road infrastructure in Kampala. ;The funds are a loan from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) ...
The government is set to borrow a total of €150m (about sh599b) from the French Development Agency (AFD) for the development of water and sanitation projects in Western Uganda and Greater Kampala.Dr ...