In an unexpected twist, the blobfish has transitioned from being labeled the "world's ugliest animal" to being celebrated as New Zealand's "fish of the year." This remarkable comeback not only ...
Picture an ocean world so deep and dark it feels like another planet—where creatures glow and life survives under crushing ...
You know that unsettling feeling you get when you're swimming in a freshwater body, and some underwater plant grazes your ...
Racoon Logic are, quite understandably, out for revenge. Founded by former members of the Journey to the Savage Planet team ...
Beneath the Pacific Ocean southeast of Hawaii, a hidden treasure trove of polymetallic nodules can be found scattered across the seafloor. The nodules are rich in metals which are key ingredients for ...
A 7-year-old microwaved a popular squishy toy, which caused it to overheat and burst open, leaving her with scars.
The blobfish is specially adapted to life in the deep ocean, but it looks like a shapeless blob when brought to the surface.
Psychrolutes microporos, a deep-sea fish with the unflattering nickname "blobfish," has gone from being called the World's ...
A young girl microwaved a popular squishy toy, which caused it to overheat and burst open, leaving her with scars ...