What exactly is an amiable irritant? GISH JEN: Yeah, well, that's not my phrase. That phrase is from Philip Roth. I think he developed it under circumstances that are similar to mine in the sense ...
BILL MOYERS: This is a working class neighborhood? GISH JEN: A working class neighborhood. BILL MOYERS: You were clearly the outsider. GISH JEN: Sometimes, when I'm talking to my son, and I'm ...
BILL MOYERS: Even though it was an Irishman? GISH JEN: Even it was an Irishman. At least he had degrees. BILL MOYERS: And so much irony in that, because then the past, it was the Irish who-- GISH ...
Food & Wine, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning online resource for anyone passionate about the culinary world. With rigorously tested recipes and the most trusted restaurant, drinks ...
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