Soldiers of the Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence International Legion performed a haka – a rhythmic Māori chant - to honour ...
A haka was performed by Ukrainian soldiers to honour Dominic Abelen, a New Zealand soldier of Māori descent killed in 2022, ...
The body of a Kiwi soldier killed fighting in Ukraine thee years ago has finally been recovered and farewelled in an emotional ceremony.
Ukrainian troops paid a tribute to a killed New Zealand fighter by performing the haka dance next to his coffin.
The loss of many beloved animals, big and small, in the traumatic 2018 Kilauea eruption planted in many residents an urge for ...
Labour's Peeni Henare has apologised for leaving his seat to perform a haka during the Treaty Principles Bill's debate - but ...
New Zealand MP Peeni Henare apologised for leaving his seat during a haka protest in Parliament but insisted his actions were ...
Ukrainian soldiers performed a haka to honor a fallen New Zealand volunteer, as shown in a moving video captured on March 11.Dominic Abelen was killed in August 2022 while fighting in the east of ...
Senior Labour MP Peeni Henare faces his “first trip to the principal’s office” tomorrow evening when he goes before ...
New Zealand is deeply divided over the Treaty Principles Bill, which seeks to reinterpret the de facto constitution. Now the ...
Speculation has been rife that the Nelson-Marlborough region could miss out on its confirmed host status due to concerns over ...