Looking for new fishing lures? Here are some great options to add to your tackle box as you head onto the open water.
Yahir Leon of Coyote Bait and Tackle in Morgan Hill reported bank fishing has been best with jumbo minnows, anchovies, blood ...
March 11 was a trifecta record-catch fishing day for Kenton Mabry, of Crawford, Texas. At dawn that morning Kenton and his ...
From Northern Florida to the Canadian Maritimes, American shad flood coastal rivers every spring. Here's how — and where — to catch them.
Inconsistent weather should end as April approaches - Read this weeks Fishing News from Anna Maria Island, Florida ...
I grow less interested in what technology brings to largemouth bass fishing. I enjoy catching them as I always have – with ...
Coho going on southern Lake Michigan, the spring variety of fishing options, openers Tuesday, April 1, at Heidecke Lake and ...
I f your grip gives out before your strength does, you're not alone. Sweaty palms, fatigue, and barbell loads can make it ...