"We thought they were basically all going to be fried because the entire universe turned into a vat of boiling oil." ...
BYUH students share their understanding of exoplanets and what humanity’s enduring hunt for life outside the solar system ...
The universe is ballooning outward at an ever-faster clip under the power of an unknown force dubbed dark energy. One of the ...
"श्रीश्च ते लक्ष्मीश्च पत्न्यौ अहोरात्रे पार्श्वे। नक्षत्राणि रूपं अश्विनौ व्यात्तमुखौ॥" (Shri and Lakshmi are your consorts, ...
Tim Coulson, Zoology professor at the University of Oxford, takes an exciting journey of 13.8 billion years, from the 'Big Bang' to today, in his new book. Chance plays a significant role in our ...
Rolf Landauer showed that "information is physical" with every bit equivalent to a small amount of energy proportional to ...
New simulations suggest that habitable worlds could have begun forming only 200 million years after the big bang ...