KTR accused the Congress of failing to deliver on promises made during its 'Farmer Declaration' event in Warangal, such as a Rs 2 lakh loan waiver, Rs 15,000 financial aid to farmers, and better ...
Hyderabad: BRS working president KT Rama Rao took a sharp dig at the Congress, calling the Delhi Assembly elections as a perfect case study for the latter’s double standards and hypocritical antics.
Hyderabad: BRS working president KT Rama Rao lashed out at the Congress government in Telangana, for slashing numerous welfare initiatives in its one-year rule. He said the Congress regime has either ...
I’m very excited by all the stories in this series. They are written by four of our very strongest writers." Silent Witness season 28 began on BBC One on Monday, January 6 at 9 pm. The seventh episode ...