Tokoh revolusioner seperti Gandhi dan Mandela membuktikan bahwa keberanian dan visi bisa mengubah arah sejarah dunia tanpa ...
The philosopher Karl Popper was a strong critic of Marx, his system, and especially his reliance on historicism.
In the years after the end of World War I, there were movements of both political and cultural revolt, launched by a new ...
At 5pm, the news went out. At five past, the footpath was full of people wanting to see one of the world’s most famous DJs in a tiny St Kilda chippery. The reimagining of the studio’s most ...
What distinguished Michael Burawoy from other socialists was that he did not sidestep or ignore conservative criticisms of ... - Seni rupa dua dimensi atau dwimatra adalah karya seni rupa yang hanya dapat dinikmati dari satu arah, yaitu dari arah depan saja karena memiliki dimensi panjan dan lebar. Arang sudah ...