“Goosebumps: The Vanishing,” which premiered on both platforms Jan. 10, is part of the anthology series “Goosebumps” created by Nicholas Stoller and Rob Letterman and inspired by Stine's books. Though ...
The Daily News editorial about Meta and how it is changing with the new administration (“Facebook’s about-face on speech,” Jan. 13) is like watching a replay of Joe ...
Longview Public Library Technical Services Supervisor Leah Shreves speaks about the library’s big semi-annual book sale going ...
The Glacian trilogy author is back with a new magical story.
DK Children’s has acquired Dr Ranj Singh’s "ultimate, illustrated" guide to what makes us tick. Associate publishing director ...
For parents, finding new ways to occupy children is an ongoing search. While many opt to give their kids a tablet of some ...
Audiobooks are an old idea but a coming together of different factors has seen them go from a niche business to a booming one ...
Discover four Chicago children’s books that celebrate the Windy City and Chicago authors. Cozy up with your kids and explore ...
I'm here to remind you that you have adult money now and no one can stop you from getting things that add a bit of joy to ...
There’s no one silver bullet that will guarantee a child becomes a skilled and avid reader. But here are some things you can ...
Spread the loveTeaching manners and etiquette to children is an essential part of their growth and development. Books about manners and etiquette for kids not only teach them social skills but also ...
Capturing elusive feelings in words and pictures is the central project, and the greatest challenge, of a children’s book.