“This would be like having the ping pong paddle going left-to-right across the back ... But there’s more than just one way to use the lead arm in the golf swing. Another way Durland says ...
Every good golf swing requires a fluid arm movement. The arm movement, of course, involves the shoulders and hands. A well-timed swing is when the arm swing is coordinated with the coiling of the ...
Bending the left arm throughout the swing causes a golfer a lot of problems. You don’t want to swing with a locked left elbow. But you want to have some semblance of firmness in the left arm ...
The golf swing is a machine with a lot of moving parts. But for the purpose of this newsletter, think of it as a machine with ...
The right elbow for right-handers is slightly bent at address and when viewed from behind, looking down the target line, it sits below the left arm (above ... Butt Back | Swing Wide on Wedge ...