An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Impact Link Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange Bybit said Friday that it had suffered what could be the largest cryptocurrency theft in history, with ...
As alterações à lei dos solos geraram discórdia e polémica à volta dos interesses imobiliários dos governantes, mas especialistas ouvidos pela Lusa têm dúvidas relativamente ao impacto ...
CEO and founder Ben Zhou addressed the hack during an online chat Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange Bybit reported on Friday that hackers stole $1.5 billion worth of digital assets in what marks ...
Por unanimidade, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) estendeu a proteção da Lei Maria da Penha a casais homoafetivos formados por homens e a mulheres travestis e transexuais. O plenário virtual da ...
O Projeto de Lei 432/2025, de autoria do senador Mecias de Jesus (Republicanos-RR), propõe a obrigatoriedade do fornecimento gratuito de protetores auriculares para estudantes com Transtorno do ...
The exchange is now looking to understand exactly what happened. In an X spaces session, Bybit’s CEO Ben Zhou revealed that shortly after the incident, he called for “all hands on deck” to ...
The cuts represent about 1 per cent of its 7000-strong workforce. The move comes after EY’s non-partner headcount fell by almost 500 last year and average partner profits fell by 15 per cent to ...
Uma lei sancionada no início de fevereiro em Franca (SP) prevê multa de mais de R$ 3 mil para condutores de motos com escapamentos considerados barulhentos. O texto entra em vigor a partir de maio.
The skin is the body’s largest organ, so naturally, it bears the brunt of UV emitted from the sun, says Dr. Alice Zhou, an assistant professor of oncology at Washington University in St Louis.
Feb 26 (Reuters) - EY Australia is considering cutting jobs as part of "workforce adjustments" to reflect challenging market conditions, with some targeted restructuring possible for "particular ...
O Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal (TJDFT) declarou inconstitucionalidade da lei distrital 7.548/24, que proíbe a divulgação de cenas de violência contra mulher no Distrito Federal.