The ruling addresses state law enforcement's jurisdiction over marijuana sales in Indian Country following the state's ...
Similar to portable breath tests to detect if a driver has been drinking, Minnesota law enforcement has tried roadside tests ...
Although the job title can be misleading, as county ag inspector, my main duties are to enforce the Minnesota noxious weed ...
The ruling is the first to address state law enforcement’s jurisdiction over marijuana in Indian Country since Minnesota ...
A final set of rules governing retail recreational marijuana could be headed for approval, paving the way for licenses to ...
The ruling is the first — though likely not the last — to address state law enforcement’s jurisdiction over marijuana in Indian Country since Minnesota legalized its recreational use in 2023.
While impending federal and state legislation may close this loophole, Texas, Florida and Minnesota’s hemp-derived ...
Kris Mayes is sending out letters on the planned enforcement to retailers as well as to law enforcement agencies, encouraging ...
Minnesota law enforcement officers tried out two devices that can detect six classes of drugs and chemicals that can impair ...