With the federal election looming, housing, planning, energy, insurance and workers compensation are high on Business NSW's ...
A BLUEPRINT to guide Newcastle's arts, culture and creative direction is in the works.
THE Greens are targeting Newcastle as one of their high-priority seats, with the goal of winning the seat within a few election cycles.
THE University of Newcastle has confirmed it has no plans to shutter its Ourimbah campus as its new build at Gosford reaches new heights.
A MECHANICAL failure has seen an elderly man hit by a car at low speed on Kullaroo Road at Charlestown. Madeline Link is a born and bred Novocastrian who started her career as a journalist in the ...
CASH, methylamphetamine and cannabis have allegedly been seized from a man's car at Jesmond on Friday night. Madeline Link is a born and bred Novocastrian who started her career as a journalist in ...
SHARK nets will be pulled from Newcastle beaches at the end of the month to protect sea turtles arriving earlier in coastal waters. Madeline Link is a born and bred Novocastrian who started her ...