India said Friday it had raised concerns with China about a planned mega hydropower dam construction upstream in Tibet, saying it will "monitor and take necessary measures to protect our interests".
Despite the DPP’s emphasis on Taiwan’s Pacific heritage, the majority of Taiwanese are unable to relate to countries beyond ...
India's foreign ministry said on Friday that New Delhi has conveyed its concerns to Beijing about China's plan to build a ...
If the Buddhist art is meant to guide us to enlightenment, it just as often reveals the blood, beauty, and mystery of earthly ...
Nepal struggles to balance competing interests of India, China, and the US. This geopolitical rivalry offers economic growth ...
"Wrong maps of China include those that omitted Diaoyu Island, Chiwei Islet, islands in the South China Sea, Taiwan and other places," said Wang Yang, a map editor at SinoMaps Press, during the ...
Tibet, East Turkestan, Vietnam, India, Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. It includes the myriad incremental offenses against Taiwan’s sovereignty and international law ...
A thousand copies of a geography textbook which was said to have incorrectly depicted China’s borders have been seized by ...
Credit: U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Lance Cpl. J.J. Harper As China surrounds Taiwan with warships, it’s time to consider what military operations Xi Jinping may be preparing for. This first part ...