Napster, a once-popular website people used in the late ‘90s to illegally share music online that went bankrupt in 2001, has ...
Napster opened a music IP can of worms, and long after the lawsuits ended, its zombified name has stuck around for connections to iHeartRadio, Rhapsody, and NFTs. Now CNBC reports that something ...
That’s the future of the metaverse! Most of our retired clients remember back when Internet access started with that annoying screeching sound when you dialed in over your phone line.
For instance, the crypto-wallet startup MetaMask hired an architecture firm to build its headquarters in the metaverse in the shape of its fox logo. And Republic Realm is hiring for over a dozen ...
Yes, the metaverse. You've no doubt already heard the buzzword, but have you experienced what it's all about? I have – and I can tell you it's nothing but a fad. A vacuous idea that people want ...
Blockchain technology supports both the metaverse and cryptocurrencies, enhancing transaction speed and reducing costs. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs facilitate e-commerce and digital ownership in ...
"The term 'metaverse' broadly refers to the idea of a digitally interconnected, interactive and immersive universe where people can communicate, interact and socialize via the internet," says ...
This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the new name for the Facebook group and went into detail about his plans for the metaverse. Early in the 80-minute presentation, he entered into a ...