In second-degree type II AV nodal block (a.k.a. Mobitz Type II AV block), the AV node becomes completely refractory to conduction on an intermittent basis. For example, three consecutive P waves ...
There are two subtypes of second-degree heart block: Mobitz type 1 (also called a Wenckebach block), which may or may not cause symptoms, and Mobitz type 2, which can cause problems pumping blood ...
conduction improvement after discontinuation of the culprit drug in patients with AV block. Background:AV blockers are considered as reversible causes of AV block that do not require pacemaker (PM ...
In second-degree atrioventricular nodal block — also known as Wenckebach block or Mobitz Type I AV block — varying failure of conduction through the AV node occurs, such that some P waves may ...
In this report, 75% (43 of 57 patients) of patients with AV block caused by drugs had blocks at the level of the AV node. In addition, infranodal block was revealed in only 14% (eight of 57 ...