Der 17-Jährige lässt Publikumsliebling Stephen Bunting keine Chance, "MvG" besiegt Chris Dobey. Nun kommt es zum absoluten Traum-Finale. Darts-Star Michael van Gerwen und Senkrechtstarter Luke ...
Michael van Gerwen und Joe Cullen liefern sich ein irres Match im Achtelfinale der Darts-WM. "MvG" übersteht zwei Matchdarts, gewinnt trotz 1:3-Rückstand. Dabei macht Cullen das Spiel seines ...
World No. 1 Luke Humphries and three-time world champion Michael van Gerwen are unsurprisingly in the top-five for scoring this season. But there is a player little-known to casual fans who has ...
It transpired to be ‘MVG’, who was playing in his hometown event in front of an expected crowd. "He is considered one of the greatest players ever, if not the best of all time," Flynn explained.