Now the map's river is no longer alone. Two new waterways traverse Dota 2's jungles, each flowing toward a low wetland on the map's north and south. The new waterways give you a speed boost when ...
If you had to choose two Dota 2 heroes that were most broken these past few patches, you’d have to highlight Abaddon and Dazzle. With their potent base damage, great abilities, and laning strength, ...
Or Dota 3, even?! Whatever you call it, the game has changed from the ground up. The New Frontiers Update page has a done a great job in dividing up the patch notes. They can be divided into five main ...
Custom games and custom map support will allow the online community to exercise their talents to create an endless amount of unique content, all through the power of the new source two engine and ...
For example, Faceless Void slows enemy attack projectiles within range, and Dawnbreaker reveals the whole map ... the new Innate and Facets abilities, find the complete patch notes for DOTA ...
The Fountain is closest to the corner of the map, and is where you start ... and on the same power footing when a new match begins. Each player in Dota 2 controls a character called a hero ...