In a groundbreaking study, researchers used NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft to measure this faint glow. Led by Marc Postman from the Space Telescope Science Institute, the team sought to answer a ...
NASA launched the New Horizons probe which would provide never-before-seen images of the dwarf planet, its moons and other objects.
Charon, the largest and most well-studied of Pluto’s five moons, was first visited in 2015 as part of the groundbreaking New Horizons mission, which characterized it as a stunningly beautiful ...
Here's a look at the most exciting missions planned for the coming year, which will expand humanity's horizons ... with spacecraft over long distances. It will also test new robotic exploration ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's peace mission has opened new horizons not only for Hungary but also on t ...
This composite image of Pluto, right, and Charon, its largest moon, showcases photos captured by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft in July 2015. Unlike how scientists believe Earth's moon formed ...