Nas aldeias atravessadas pelo oleoduto EACOP, uns vêem risco climático, outros uma oportunidade de vida melhor. O projecto ...
ANÁLISE || Donald Trump está a usar a guerra na Ucrânia para reeditar uma das jogadas mais icónicas da diplomacia americana.
“E Maninha Xica logo chegou junto, como faz sempre em todas as situações ruins e boas, é bom que se diga. Um amigo de um amigo se juntou a nós em socorro (…). Pronto, estava armada a trama que me ...
An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt. Impact Link Mark Zuckerberg was hoping to meet China's leader, Xi Jinping, at the sidelines of the APEC summit held in Lima, Peru back in 2016.
Xi Jinping wants China to surpass rivals as a tech superpower, undeterred by economic woes or trade wars. Critics ask if this focus neglects struggling citizens. By Chris Buckley Throughout China ...
Following successful pilots in North America, Heidelberg Materials will deploy Pronto Autonomous Haulage System to more than a dozen sites around the world on a combination of new and pre-owned ...
A Microsoft e nossos fornecedores terceirizados usam cookies para armazenar e acessar informações tais como IDs exclusivas ...
Chinese leader Xi Jinping says China and Russia are true friends after speaking on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Xi reportedly said history and reality show the two countries ...
The warm words attributed to Xi Jinping in Chinese state media were clearly intended to dampen speculation that the Trump administration, which has pursued a rapid rapprochement with Russia ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin pledged long-term, strategic ties between their countries in a phone call on Monday, amid warming relations between Moscow ...
Ford has used some version of its famous script logo for more than a century, but despite its widespread usage, people are scratching their heads over a detail they just noticed. In a viral TikTok ...