Scientists are racing to develop new materials for quantum technologies in computing and sensing for ultraprecise ...
“This discovery tells us that room-temperature superconductivity is not ruled out by fundamental constants ,” University of ...
A research team from Southern University of Science and Technology discovered a small polaron effect induced by a giant ...
Recently, a research team found a way to design a class of homochiral organometallic nanosheets that exhibit room-temperature ...
Since the groundbreaking discovery of graphene in 2004, the dizzying pace of progress in two-dimensional (2D) materials has ...
A Cornell-led collaboration devised a new method for designing metals and alloys that can withstand extreme impacts: ...
Researchers developed a new type of ceramic fiber aerogel, featuring highly anisotropic thermal conductivity and extreme ...
The researchers employed these constants to conclude that superconductivity could exist between temperatures of 100K and ...
For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that phosphorene nanoribbons (PNRs) exhibit both magnetic and ...
The manufacturing technique involves melting and squeezing pure metals between two rigid van der Waals anvils under high ...