My mum worked all hours and I was lazy and lonely. The middle-class children I hung out with at my comprehensive brought ...
Meanwhile, my study found that highly educated people profess more liberal opinions on social norms than the poorly educated, ...
More importantly, are you paying too much? Maybe you’re not “poor,” exactly, such that you shouldn’t pay any taxes. But surely “the rich” should be paying more. After all, you’re ...
On February 25th Sir Keir Starmer chopped Britain’s aid budget from 0.5% to 0.3% of gross national income to spend more on defence. France, the most generous Western donor after America, will this ...
Certain books are often recommended in business, self-help, and financial literacy circles, which might be more commonly read by those interested in wealth-building or personal development.
The House Republican budget plan would pair tax cuts that primarily benefit the rich with cuts to programs that help the poor. By Andrew Duehren Andrew Duehren writes about tax and fiscal policy.
Why are rich countries more polarized on social customs? The study shows that people in poor countries have conservative views on these issues—for example, claiming that abortion and divorce are ...