In the remnant rainforests of coastal far-north Queensland, bushwalkers may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a ...
New research on the feeding habits of the desert rat-kangaroo could help locate the possibly extinct species, with ...
Ecologists say the rare and cryptic smoky mouse is proving it can survive on its own in the state's south, where a ...
It had been decades since an echidna had been spotted on the island of Lungtalanana, northeast of Tasmania. Not much was ...
Although declared extinct in 1994, people claim to have seen desert rat-kangaroos since, and analysis of their museum ...
When scientists first counted the animals, they found just 40 individuals. Thought-to-be-extinct species makes incredible comeback: 'Crucial for maintaining their long-term viability' first appeared ...
In the remnant rainforests of coastal far-north Queensland, bushwalkers may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a diminutive marsupial that's the last living representative of its family.
The musky rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus) weighs only 500 grams and looks a bit like a potoroo. It’s part ... If we look around the world, hopping animals are quite rare.
As reported by the Miami Herald, a trail camera has recorded a long-nosed potoroo in eastern Australia at the Waulinbakh ...
When we included the animal's smaller size into the analysis ... and the specialists of softer fungi like the long-nosed potoroo. The researchers say these kinds of studies give valuable insights ...
long-nosed potoroo, and Bass Strait Islands wombat. WWF-Australia program manager Rob Brewster explained that animals like echidnas play an important role in keeping the island healthy.