A quantum "miracle material" could support magnetic switching, a team of researchers at the University of Regensburg and ...
Quantum technology struggles with scaling up, as the special properties of quantum materials typically vanish in larger ...
Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated a new technique that uses light to tune the optical ...
The U.S. will need more than one million STEM workers in the next 10 years to stay competitive. Immigrants are critical to ...
Atomic clocks are more accurate than those used to define the second, suggesting the definition might need to change ...
Discover the possibilities of twisted bilayer graphene as a replacement for silicon in integrated circuits and it's potential ...
What did Newton understand that was such a revolution? Can someone just... explain gravity to me? Let's start with a ...
Quantum spin 1Professor Valerio Scarani (left) and Mr Lin Htoo Zaw (right) flanking a spinning 'wheel of fortune'. (Photo: ...
A team of physicists led by Jonathan Richardson of the University of California, Riverside, demonstrated how new optical ...
In a fractal zeta universe of bifurcated, ripped spacetime, the Millikan experiment, the quantum Hall effect, atmospheric ...
In a nutshell Researchers have demonstrated mathematically that quantum systems preserve time-reversal symmetry, meaning ...
Crikey. He is also an associate editor at Arena Quarterly and contributes to a variety of publications in Australia and the ...