Festivals are prime manifestations of the Filipino’s fervent devotion and faith characterized by history, artistry, creativity, and passion. “Viva Pit Senyor” and “Viva Senyor Hesus Nazareno” ...
A small group of Catholics is calling on Pope Francis to consider removing Buffalo Bishop Michael Fisher, as the diocese ...
Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob, recently installed as the 12th Archbishop of Milwaukee, will celebrate eight Masses of Welcome at parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee from Tu ...
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, who was made a cardinal in 2007 and who led the U.S. bishops’ conference as president from 2016–2019 ...
The Austin shepherd will succeed Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, who submitted his resignation to the Holy Father in May.
The Quiapo Church reported the crowd estimate at 8 p.m. as the andas or carriage of the image of Jesus Nazareno nears its final destination. As of 9:48 p.m., the andas is crossing De Guzman Street ...
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The procession to Quiapo Church, which started before dawn after an open-air Mass, was expected to swell to more than 2 million participants, church officials said.
The statue was finally brought inside the Minor Basilica and National Shrine of Jesus Nazareno, also known as Quiapo Church ... affected by Trump’s planned mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
The procession to the Philippine capital's Quiapo Church, which started before dawn after an open-air mass, was expected to swell to more than two million participants from across the heavily ...
The procession to the Philippine capital's Quiapo Church, which started before dawn after an open-air mass, was expected to swell to more than two million participants from across the heavily Catholic ...