However, NGS technologies are heavily limited by their inability to sequence long reads ... plain text files containing gene or isoform quantifications, polyA tail length estimations and RNA ...
PolyA RNA-Seq libraries were prepared by Oxford Genomics Centre, University of Oxford using NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit (NEB, #E7760) and sequenced on NovaSeq6000_150PE (150 bp ...
APAlyzer is a Bioconductor package which analyzes 3’UTR-APA and IPA based on annotated, conserved polyA sites at the recommended cutoff of relative expression between conditions (5%), using ...
Libraries were prepared using mRNA purified using polyA bead selection (New England Biolabs), using ... transcript assembly from 1 replicate in each of the time points in the RNA-seq data using ...
An antibody discovery platform revealed more than 60 monoclonal antibodies specific to patients with alpha-gal syndrome, according to a poster presented here. This molecular characterization may ...
for example—is translated using self-folding RNA alone. First, a DNA sequence is designed in a computer-assisted process. It ...
Spatial transcriptomics is a cutting-edge technique that characterizes gene expression within sections of tissue, such as ...
So if you plan to call it quits at work within a decade, or you’ve just retired, you may want to take steps to minimize what’s called sequence risk, which is the risk that the market falls ...