Ideally, if you are going to transmit, you want a properly-tuned resonant antenna. But, sometimes, it isn’t practical. [Ham Radio Rookie] knew about random wire antennas but didn’t want a wire ...
There’s a joke in the world of radio that all you need for a HF antenna is a piece of wet string, but the truth is that rudimentary antennas rarely perform well. Random pieces of wire may pull ...
This program helps you to calculate the optimal length of wire for building a random length antenna. You can find more info on my blog post related to this program: Random-Wire antenna. usage: ...
proto desig (labeled as "EFHW" instead of "xOTA-Antenna") and Version 1.0. BOM (1:49 UnUn for EFHW*) *The PCB can also be used with other UnUn windings (like 1:9) to build non resonant ("random wire") ...